Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (2024)

Stir-up Sunday is nearly upon us and although some years I am mega organised and have my Christmas Cake baked in October half term other years this is the weekend that I get the kids into the kitchen and we make our traditional English Christmas Cake, stirring and making wishes for Christmas and the next year. So, as I prepare the ingredients for another year I thought it was about time I shared our Christmas Cake Recipe with you.

Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (1)

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Old Fashioned Christmas Cake Recipe

A traditional Christmas Cake is rich in dried fruits and spices. You slice through the royal icing, marzipan and into the moist rich cake which has been feed in the months leading up the Christmas.

I love using a real mix of dried fruits, peels, nuts and spices to make ours and the kids love the smell in the house whilst it cooks.

Don’t worry if you haven’t got enough time to go before Christmas – our Traditional Farmhouse Fruit Cake works just a well. Just make it and freeze it. It also contains no alcohol and you don’t need to feed it in the months leading up to Christmas.

Stir-Up Sunday

Stir-Up Sunday traditionally falls the last Sunday before Advent starts. It gives enough time for cakes to mature and you to “feed” them as well as the Christmas Pudding to ripen and become full of flavour.

This year 2019 Stir-Up Sunday falls on 24th November and we will be making our Christmas Pudding and Cake that weekend too.

Top Tips for Making a Good Moist Christmas Cake

Whenever, I speak to someone about Christmas Cakes they always tell me that they find them too crumbly, dry and a little yuck!

However, the people that have been willing to try have always been amazed at the one that I’ve been cooking since I was a teen.

Over the years I’ve shared my top tips with friends and family so I’ve put them all below to help you make the best Christmas cake you can.

What Spices Are Good for an Easy Christmas Cake?

I know that both my grandmothers disagreed on which spice combinations were ideal Christmas cake spices but I’ve merged their ideas into what we think is the perfect combination for the ultimate family Christmas cake.

I like mixing ground nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice together with a tiny pint of ground cloves.

As the cake cooks the smell is amazing.

Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (2)

If you don’t have a cupboard full of spices though you can just use mixed spice as this will work as well. Swap all the spices listed in the ingredients for 1 teaspoon of mixed spice.

Of course, you can’t cook it without playing Christmas music and as soon as that starts my kids know that we are getting in the spirit for the holidays.

How to Soak Fruit for Christmas Cake?

One of the mistakes that people often make when they make their Christmas cakes is that they don’t soak the fruit beforehand.

This makes the cake dry and crumbly especially if you forget to feed it in the lead up to decorating it nearer Christmas.

It’s really important that you soak your dried fruit beforehand. It needs to soak for at least 12 hours.

Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (3)

I put all the fruits together add in the alcohol and then mix as much as I can.

Then… cover with a clean tea towel and leave to the side.

What Dried Fruit to Use in your Christmas Cake?

It really is up to you the dried fruit that you choose to you as well as the nuts. I’ve made this with dried mixed fruit as well as the separate fruits.

The original recipe I used called for 1lb of currants however, I loved dried cranberries so instead of 450g of currants for a few years now I’ve been making the cake with 225g of dried cranberries and 225g of currants.

Lining your Cake Tin Properly

Probably the most important tip for making your Christmas cake is to line your tin properly so I’ve put this guide on how to line the tins.

This cake is going to cook for at least 4 hours if not longer. Sometimes it takes me up to 5 and a half hours other times less.

But with the cake in the oven for that long you have to avoid it burning and that means you have to line your cake tin properly.

I use greaseproof paper for lining my cake tin and grease the tin with the butter wrapper.

How to Line an 8 Inch Round Cake Tin (20 cm)

Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (4)
  1. Cut a strip of paper that is longer than the circumference of your round cake tin. It needs to be at least 5 cm higher than the tin as well.
  2. Stand your tin on the paper and draw a circle around the base of the tin.
  3. On the strip of paper fold 2-3 cm in along the bottom.
  4. Now cut up to the fold all along. This will make it easy to fold.
  5. Grease the 20 cm round.
  6. Press your strip around the outside with the cut edge folded in.
  7. Place the circle in the centre.

Top Tip – At the same time you will need to cute another circle the size of the base. You will place this on the top whilst cooking.

How to Line a 7 Inch Square Cake Tin (18 cm)

This same Christmas Cake mix will make a 7 inch (18 cm) square cake tin as well. Although I like our Christmas cake’s round I’ve made this in the past. To line the tin you follow the instructions below.

  1. Measure the length and depth of your square cake tin.
  2. On some greaseproof paper draw out a square that is the length + 2 x the depth by length + 2 x depth.
  3. Place your tin in the centre of your greaseproof paper.
  4. Cut from the edge of the paper to the edge of the tin on the 4 sides.
  5. Grease the tin.
  6. Place the paper inside and fold it to form a box in the base with the corners overlapping.

Again cut a square the same size as the bottom as you will need it to go on the top of the tin to prevent the cake burning.

How to Feed your Christmas Cake

Making the cake on Stir-up Sunday gives you lots of time to feed your cake. To do this follow the instructions below

  1. Make holes in the top and bottom of the cake with a skewer.
  2. Spoon teaspoons of Brandy into the holes and allow to soak through.
  3. Repeat every week till Christmas.

How to Store Your Christmas Cake

Making your Christmas cake ahead of time instead of using our fruit cake just before Christmas means that you need to store it.

  • Wrap it in Greaseproof Paper twice.
  • Then cover with foil so that air can’t get in.
  • Store in an air-tight container and bring out to feed once a week between Stir-Up Sunday and Christmas when you come to decorate the cake.
Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (5)

Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (6)

Traditional Fruit Christmas Cake Recipe

Cerys Parker

Delicious and easy to make Christmas Cake Recipe filled with dried fruit and spices this is ideal to make ahead of time, feed and then ice in time for Christmas.

3.84 from 18 votes

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 30 minutes mins

Cook Time 4 hours hrs

Fruit Soaking Time 12 hours hrs

Total Time 16 hours hrs 30 minutes mins

Course Cake

Cuisine Christmas

Servings 12 slices


  • 8 inch cake tin

  • clean tea towel

  • small pan


Dried Fruit Soaking Ingredients (12hrs before hand)

Ingredients for Christmas Cake


Soaking the Dried Fruit

  • In a bowl measure out the ingredients for the soaking of fruit from the list above.

  • Pour in the brandy.

  • Stir well and cover with a tea towel overnight.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (7)

Christmas Cake The Next Day

  • Preheat the oven to 140C.

  • Line am 8inch round cake tin following the instructions above.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (8)

  • In a bowl measure out the flour, salt and spices.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (9)

  • Mix these together well.

  • Add the brown sugar and stir.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (10)

  • In a small pan melt the butter.

  • Pour the melted butter in with the dry ingredients and mix.

  • Then add in the beaten eggs and combine together.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (11)

  • Into the bowl add in the soaked fruits, almonds and cherries and mix thoroughly.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (12)

  • Now add in the black treacle and zest of the orange and lemon and combine.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (13)

  • Pour the mixture into the lined cake tin.

    Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (14)

  • Place in the centre of the oven for around 4hrs.

  • Check if a skewer in the centre comes away clean it is done. If it needs more then return to the oven for 10 – 15mins at a time. You may need to cover with foil to prevent it burning.

  • When cooked remove from the oven and alow to cool slightly (around 30 minutes) in the pan. Then turn out to finish cooling onto a wire wrack.

  • Follow the instructions for feeding the cake and storing above.

Keyword Christmas, Christmas Bakes, Christmas Cakes

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

More Christmas Baking Recipes

Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (15)
Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (16)
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  • Old Fashioned Gingerbread Loaf Cake
  • Star Topped Mince Pies
  • Gingerbread Men Cupcakes
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Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (19)

Cerys Parker

Cerys is a marine biologist, environmental educator, teacher, mum, and home educator from the UK. She loves getting creative, whether it is with simple and easy crafts and ideas, activities to make learning fun, or delicious recipes that you and your kids can cook together you'll find them all shared here on Rainy Day Mum.

Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe (2024)


What is the tradition of Christmas cake in the UK? ›

The rich fruit and nut cake is 'fed' with brandy or whiskey - a few spoonfuls at a time, every few days for weeks. The most important thing to note with traditional British Christmas cake is that the longer it sits in the tin and is 'fed' brandy over a course of these weeks, the better it is.

What is the difference between a fruit cake and a Christmas cake? ›

Christmas cakes are also commonly made with pudding while a fruit cake uses butter, however there are Christmas cake recipes that do contain butter. The traditional Scottish Christmas cake, also known as the Whisky Dundee, is very popular. It is a light crumbly cake with currants, raisins, cherries and Scotch whisky.

What is the traditional cake eaten at Christmas? ›

Christmas cake is a type of cake, often fruitcake, served at Christmas time in many countries.

What is Christmas cake often eaten with in northern England? ›

In Yorkshire, Christmas cake is usually eaten with Wensleydale, a type of cheese produced in North Yorkshire. It's a tradition that dates back at least to Victorian times, according to food historian Peter Brears from Leeds.

What is the traditional Christmas dessert in Britain? ›

Christmas pudding is sweet, dried-fruit pudding traditionally served as part of Christmas dinner in Britain and other countries to which the tradition has been exported.

What is a fairy cake in England? ›

Fairy cakes are not, as their name might imply, themed cakes designed and decorated to the liking of fantasy and sci-fi fans. They are, simply stated, smaller versions of cupcakes. They're widely popular in the UK, and tend not to pile on the icing in the same way that American bakers do with cupcakes.

What kind of cakes are traditionally eaten at Christmas in Scotland? ›

There are many versions of the Dundee Cake, all claiming to be "the one," but, usually any lovely rich fruit cake will do the job. This cake is as close as you can get to a true, traditional Dundee cake, as it contains the almonds, whisky, and the orange peel.

What is the name of the famous Christmas cake? ›

Panettone, Italy

Originating from Milan, Italy, this cake has become one of the most popular Christmas cakes around Europe and in many parts of the world. The panettone is a dome-shaped spongecake with a sweet, yeasty taste. Similar to sourdough, this cake needs to be proofed three times before it is baked.

Is fruitcake healthy for you? ›

We might like to pretend, based on its name, that fruitcake is a reasonably healthy sweet option, however this is not the case. Fruitcake tends to have high butter, sugar and syrup content, making it high in both fat and calorie content. The same goes for Panettone- the Italian bread that has become a holiday favorite.

What is England's Favourite cake? ›

The UK's favourite cakes in numbers:
RankCakeMonthly search volume
1banana bread74000
2victoria sponge74000
3chocolate cake49500
4red velvet cake40500
26 more rows
Sep 12, 2022

What is the Yorkshire tradition of Christmas cake with cheese? ›

On Christmas Eve one Yule Cake is given to each member of the family, along with a piece of Christmas cheese,” he wrote. Lucas was most probably referring to the famous Wensleydale cheese which remains a Yorkshire specialty to this day.

How do you ice an English Christmas cake? ›

Make the royal icing recipe and then spread it over the marzipan-covered cake with a flat palette knife in either a smooth layer or swirled to make little peaks all over the surface of the cake. Decorate as you wish with silver or gold sugar balls, Christmas ornaments, or other festive decorations.

What does it mean to call a woman a Christmas cake? ›

The cakes go on discount once Dec. 25 rolls around — a fact that gave birth to an unfortunate bit of old Japanese slang: "Christmas cake" was used to refer to an unmarried woman who was over 25 and thus, considered past her prime.

What is the significance of the Christmas cake? ›

The traditional Christmas cake derives from two Christian feast days: Twelfth Night and Easter. In the early days, the Christmas cake was actually a plum porridge which was created with the sole intention of lining the stomach. The classic Christmas plum cake has its origins in mediaeval England.

What's the difference between Christmas pudding and Christmas cake? ›

Christmas cakes contain much the same ingredients as Christmas pudding, but they're a little less dense and of course they're baked in the oven. Traditional Christmas cakes are usually made a couple of months earlier than Christmas puddings as they really improve in flavour and richness with maturation and feeding.

What is British food traditions for Christmas? ›

We've gathered together all the fixings for a traditional British holiday feast, featuring classic dishes like holiday roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, braised red cabbage, and pureed parsnips, plus classic English Trifle and Christmas plum pudding. And for fun, don't forget the Christmas crackers for the guests!


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