Life's a Pay to Win Game - Chapter 12 - UnholyExcaliber (2024)

Chapter Text

A/N: This chapter is mostly original too, and it’ll start with something of a recap of things so far.

Disclaimer: I do not own Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs, nor do I own The Eminence in Shadow. The only Beta reader here is the elf.


When Leon called us over to his ship, I was worried he had some kind of double date planned. Not that I don’t plan on going on dates with the shades, no way am I going to be some kind of ‘hit-it-and-quit-it’ douche, but I feel like a double date right away would be in poor taste… or would it be best to learn from Leon on what to do a date?


Maybe something of a guys’ night is in order. The secret society that the male students set up at the beginning of the year doesn’t really ever share what life is like after you get a girl, just a collaboration of efforts on the stuff beforehand.

A lot of books that I read were like that too, even in my past life. I did try researching how to be a good partner, as I figured I’d always get to it at some point, but most of the romance novels I read, even the ones written by girls didn’t really delve into it. Especially if they revolved around having multiple partners, most of those were just full of smut.

Anyway, after giving Daniel and Raymond some chocolates from Mitsugoshi as a good luck charm and giving one of the extra boxes to some random pink haired girl, because wow Gamma gave me a lot, Alpha, Beta, and I made our way to Leon’s ship Partner.

I have to admit, Partner is a lot bigger than I remember. I suppose it has to be, given that it holds armors and stuff, but looking at it now I wonder if its lore was to serve as some kind of Noah’s Arc… nah, it would have been used if that were the case.

[Welcome Elf Lover.]

…Okay, I guess that’s warranted.

“I feel like they’re better insults you can use.” I say.

[Noted. Generating insults.]

Alpha squints angrily at Luxion, and for a second I think she’s going to kick him again.


A voice rings from the top of Partner and I see Leon hanging over the railing on the deck. Hm… something feels different about him, he looks… happier. Like I’m used to seeing his face look like he’s constantly up to something, but I think there’s light in his eyes now. I wave to Leon as the ship opens up. Wonder what’s got him in a good mood?

“Did Leon have lipstick on his face?” asked Beta.

Oh, that might have been it.

[Master had recently declared his love for two of the women in his life. They hadn’t done anything yet as they still expected your arrival, but I believe Mistress Angelica and Olivia wished to mark their territory.]

Alpha giggles, “I suppose I can understand the desire.”

Yeah, you and the shades were completely shameless. The bite Delta gave me still stings a little. I’m glad the girls agreed to wait for more romantic opportunities to do things. When they tackled me at the throne room, I was worried they were about to rip off my clothes then and there, Slime suit nifty functions be damned. I was able to calm them down by saying that I did have stuff to do, like taking care of the slasher.

I originally thought the slasher was just Alexia, and heck we even ran into her on the way back! Turns out though that it was just some posers. It made me a little mad how wrong they got everything though, so I didn’t kill them and gave them to Nu to drag to Eta. Looking back, I feel a little bad for those posers. Oh well, that’s what they get.

“Cid, Alice!” called a glowing Olivia as she bounded over to us, “Oh, and you must be Natsume! I love your stories!”

I wasn’t kidding about her glowing by the way; she has some kind of halo around her.

Wait, no. That’s her magic signature. Huh, I know emotions often affect magic itself, but for it to affect the magic signature is new. I wonder how that happened.

“Thank you! It’s so nice to meet you in person. I hope you enjoyed the one I had written about you.” Said Beta as she gave Olivia a hug in greeting.

“I loved it! Although I wanted to ask, why did you write that I wear glasses?” asked Olivia.

Ah… as one of Beta’s first original stories she must have self-inserted herself as Olivia. I think I read that she gave Leon red eyes. Since I recently learned that all of my shades have feelings for me, them all kissing and biting me after my speech with the thrones is way too much for an act, I can only imagine that Beta had written Olivia and Leon like they were me and her.


As Leon and Angelica walk up to us as well, I’m guessing they had more to clean up given that Leon no longer has the lipstick on his face. We wave to them and shake their hands. As we do, I can’t help but make a comparison between Alpha and Angelica & Beta and Olivia. Alpha and Angelica are both no nonsense types that are very passionate about things, have long blonde hair, albeit Angelica always has hers tied up. Beta and Olivia have shorter hair and are a bit of dreamers that love things from stories.

I think Leon makes the same comparisons as we wait for the girls to finish exchanging, as he looks at them, then at me and reaches for a fist bump.

I don’t leave him hanging, obviously.

“So,” begins Leon as the girls finish up. “I know I called you all here, but I want to let you know that if you hear the reason why and want to leave, you may do so. No hard feelings.”

Alpha, Beta, and I nod.

“I want to talk to you about everything that has happened so far, and what we plan on doing. This involves the political future of Holfort, Fanoss, and likely Midgar. And well, this means talking a lot about stuff hidden from society, especially the Shadow Garden.” Said Leon with a super-duper serious expression on his face.

I want to agree immediately since this is obviously just a cover for a quick writing room to go over all the lore again. I know that it’s been a bit since I’ve been briefed on things properly so Alpha and the girls probably put Leon up to it since he was starting to recruit a bunch of people into the whole thing. However, I don’t want to have the girls do anything they don’t want or need to, and want to make them feel included. So I look to the two for permission and they nod.

Alpha does her best to stay in character and asks “May I ask, why are you only telling us? Why not everyone else?”

“It’s not that I’m not going to tell everyone else this stuff,” said Leon, “It’s just that I think I can trust you all more. You seem like the type to be able to keep a secret… and, well I want to warn you about something.”

We’re all curious, but Leon shakes his head and has us all follow him to a room. Once we’re there I see a sick hologram deck. Wall to wall of holograms displaying certain documents, videos, and even a digital version of one of those conspiracy boards. But what immediately stands out to me is the board that has a certain brown-haired member of shadow garden.

To be completely honest, if I didn’t think Leon was in on our Shadow Garden games, I’d have been nervous. I imagine that when some of the shadow garden members stayed behind on Luxion’s island they let Leon in on the whole thing. It’s why there’s some lore that revolves around him and his friends. It’s only fair, after all the three heroes stuff revolves around the girls.

Anyway, since we’re still in character we all act very surprised about Nu’s apparent exposal.

“Recently, there’s been a student spotted by Luxion and his drones that for the most part seems normal,” said Leon. He then pulls up some pictures and shows both Beta and I hanging out with her, “You guys have even talked to her a couple of times.”

Angelica then clears her throat and looks at Beta, “By the way, Ms. Kafka, I know you go to a bunch of places for research as a writer, but you should really ask for permission to enter the academy. That’s what all the other journalists do.”

Alpha and I pretend to be disappointed in Beta as she goes “Er, uhm, bleh.” And sticks out her tongue.

“Anyway,” says Leon, “This student seems normal at first but there’s something that I noticed.”

Leon then brings up a bunch of photos, which don’t have Nu at all. Then, he pulls some videos in which Nu can be seen for a couple of seconds before disappearing as soon as she isn’t in a crowded area.

Hm… Yeah, I guess I should have also gone over how to not look suspicious on camera instead of just focusing on the technicalities of it.

“What are we looking at here?” asked Alpha.

“See, it’s not that we got her on camera, it’s that it’s really weird that we didn’t. If she were a completely normal student then every time we see her go out of a crowd we’d just see her walking normally, but’s almost like she’s teleporting from one location to the other… or, she’s aware that I have cameras around and is avoiding them. The only time I ever have seen people able to detect Luxion’s cameras was when we were watching the Shadow Garden go around the other night.” Said Leon as he points out how at several points Epsilon would notice the cameras and use her slime harp to take them out, sometimes competing with Beta on who can take out more.

[That is not all either. This likely Shadow Garden member also shares an appearance with a previous student of Midgar’s dark knight academy. Namely, one Nicoletta Marquez.]

Dang, they really got it all. I guess Nu should have at least dyed her hair or used a wig… or wait does hair dye exist yet? Like good ones. I should go to Eta on this later.

“…So, what do you plan on doing?” asked Beta. “Are you going to confront her?”

Angelica shakes her head, “No, again this is only a hunch. Moreover, we do not believe the Shadow Garden to be our enemies.”

Oh, that’s nice. I never considered you enemies either. Though as now friends I totally will mess with you when it benefits me.

“If Shadow Garden is not your enemy, then who is?” asked Alpha.

Leon walks to another board, there he shows a map of the kingdom of Fanoss and the emblem of the diabolos cult.

“The entire kingdom of Fanoss!?” I say as I pretend to be surprised, “And what’s that second thing?”

“We think that just like how the Shadow Garden is hidden to everyone, so is their enemy. I can’t say for certain what this group calls themselves, nor what their goal is, but I do know that they’ve existed since before the islands started floating.” Said Leon.

Ooh, since before the islands started floating. Using that later.

“But how do you know that?” asked Alpha.

Leon looked to his two girlfriends, they nod, and then Leon gets into his Lore. Apparently when he was going through magical overload as a child his mind was flooded with memories of a past life. Multiple lives actually. In the first one he remembered he was once a member of “Old Humanity.” Basically, he was a Japanese salaryman that died from exhaustion, but before he did, he pulled some all nighters to complete a game he was blackmailed into it. That game actually revolved around Olivia and her life in school. Originally, she was going to get a scholarship from some old guy that often taught her about magic and then go on a bunch of misadventures with the reject power rangers, but when I accidentally knocked Leon’s ship down by throwing Delta and chased him to Claire’s location I messed that up.

Now things are way out of control, and apparently Shadow Garden didn’t exist in that game at all. Leon actually managed to guess that Shadow was a reincarnate as well, maybe even one just like him. Apparently, one of Leon’s other past lives was as Lea, whom I’ve dubbed the lost king. Lea is basically an older brother to Julius’ ancestor and was betrayed by said brother. Being exiled to a territory that would later become the Barfort barony. However, before that Lea had been adventuring with Saintess Anne, her self-proclaimed younger sister Mary, the three heroes of Midgar’s past (whom were originally women not men), and someone who might have been either Shadow’s ancestor if not Shadow himself.

Apparently the three heroes and a boy named Minoru were their travel companions, but at some point, they were captured by the cult and cloned. It’s very likely that the originals were killed, and likely died by old age if the experiments didn’t get them based on how long ago it was. Luxion theorizes that either Shadow is one of those clones that escaped or is failed experiment.

Which, gotta say I never came up with an Origin story for Shadow so thanks guys. You really are my closest friends outside of the shades. Just for that, you go on the ‘don’t let die list’ just below the shades.

Although I did think it was funny that Leon proposed that slime was used in the cloning process and might even be failed clones of shadow and the heroes since no one knows their origin. To be fair, the possessed do take a blob like form when it gets bad enough so it kinda makes sense. But dang Leon, you must really have liked Pokémon.

“So, what’s the plan for the future?” I ask. This writer’s room was pretty fruitful of getting everything sorted out of the past lore, but what kind of scenarios are coming up? The girls usually surprise me but I think it’d be nice to come up with a couple too.

“Leon’s sister Jenna actually gave us the idea, but basically, we need to first see if the five heirs are able to lead the country. Too many things are relying on the heirs being, well the heirs, and people liking them. Plus isn’t judging them based on their ancestor’s actions is a bit unfair?” said Olivia.

I can already tell that this was her suggestion. Leon and Angelica seemed annoyed at the idea.

“Leon and I are going to see how well Julius and his future mistress can lead the country by tutoring them in governing. It’s an elective class that Julius isn’t taking due to his tutors having supposedly taught him the necessary curriculum as a child. However, I’d bet on him failing anything if he were tested, given how many times he skipped out on his classes.” Said Angelica.

“What about the other heirs?” questioned Beta.

“Well for them, we actually had an idea that we’re going to run by our other friends. See, there’s a tournament coming up within the school. It looks like all of the five are going to join. There’s two divisions, one based on magic and another based on sword skill. We’re going to have everyone join both, and hopefully by doing so we’ll make sure that none of the five win. In fact, we need to make sure they don’t even get in the top 3 of either tournament.” Said Leon.

I nod, picking up what he’s putting down. “By doing so you’ll humiliate them since they’ve been bragging about how much better than everyone they are when it comes to combat.”

“Hopefully,” chimes in Olivia, “this lights a fire underneath all of them and make them want to grow instead of waste their time in the academy.”

Ah, of course. Heroes need to know what its like to fall before they can grow.

“So what do we do now?” asked Alpha.

“For now,” answered Angelica, “do your best to keep your head down but train yourselves up. We want you all to beat the five in the upcoming tournaments, however, Leon will not be one of the participants. Rather, we’d like for everyone to accredit some of their success to him as he lies in wait.”

“Lies in wait?” parroted Beta.

“If the five do not improve themselves or make any effort to by the time of the end of the term gala, we will enact plan K” clarifies Angelica.

“K, meaning king me.” Said Leon.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Alpha.

Leon smiles as he leans back on one of the tables. “I told you earlier, right? Lea was related to Julius, and Lea was my ancestor…”

Beta then gasps, “that means you have a claim to the throne!”

Heh, I guess I can see a sequel to that love story between Olivia and Leon churning in her head. But keeping my head down to show off later, that’s just my style.


Sherry’s gazes at the sticky square that had been inside of the box the boy from earlier had given to her while he was walking with two elf women.

“Hmm…” pondered Sherry, “What could this be…?”

“Oh, Sherry~” crooned the sickeningly sweet voice of her caretaker Stephanie, “Where did you get the money for those chocolates?”

“Miss Stephanie!” beamed Sherry as her cowlick bounced with her every move, “This… choc-oh-lat was given to me by a boy I don’t know.”

Sherry hugs Stephanie in greeting so she misses the look on Stephanie’s face that flashes briefly before she reapplies her mask.

Looking excited for Stephanie and with all the care of an older ugly stepsister, she then teases “oooh someone’s a little heartbreaker, aren’t they? ~”

Sherry blushes and then gazes back at Stephanie, “E-eh?”

“He must’ve fallen in love with you at first sight~” sing songs Stephanie as she plays with Sherry’s cowlick, “that’s the kind of chocolate that would be hard to attain even if you got in line first thing in the morning. He must’ve been soooooo desperate to impress you, you little minx you!”

Sherry covers her face in embarrassment as it becomes pinker than her own hair.

“How goes the progress with the artifact, I’m sure you aren’t getting distracted with the mission yes?” asked Stephanie.

Sherry nods as the blush fades from her face. “Yes… the knights are watching over it in the other room right now. So far, all I’ve learned is that it’s a code used by an ancient civilization or organization. My mother… Kreia was researching something similar before her death. I hope I can decipher it in her stead, like dad would want.”

“I’m sure you’ll do him proud, or your name isn’t Sherry Him Zenden!” said Stephanie as she smushed the sides of Sherry’s face.

“Right!” Said Sherry with a big grin on her face. She then reaches for two chocolates, offering one to Stephanie who accepts it.

“So sweet… and tasty.”


After Leon dropped off Cid, Alice, and Natsume at Mitsugoshi, we decided to go on a date in the town. It was a bit late, so not much was open, but Cid was nice enough to say that we could go around the department store.

For free too!

I know Leon and Angie would probably buy me anything I wanted but I would feel bad if they did that all the time. It was amazing how many things were there!

First we went to try out this thing called ice cream. It was so good! And there were so many different flavors to try!

“Livia, you need to pick eventually.” Teased Leon. “Hurry and pick three flavors.”

I look up at him with tears in my eyes. How can I only get three? Eventually I decided on the ones with the cutest names, like cookie dough, birthday cake, and strawberry. Leon just got this one called cookies and cream. Angelica got this thing called Neapolitan.

I cried again when I discovered that the price to pay for something being so delicious was that it was painful if you ate too quickly. Angelica wasn’t much better.


Leon could have told us that he’d eaten this in his previous life too! He knew what would happen! He even took a video with Luxion!

After that we went on to try some clothes, Leon tried to run away but we dragged him with us. I tried on this cute outfit that had these see-through bits. There was a normal skirt that clung to my hips a bit and ended at my thighs, and a short top that covered my chest, but then there was a skirt that reached past my knees and see-through sleeves that were tied at my elbows. I also got this bag called a purse to help me hold stuff. But I don’t really have a lot to carry and it doesn’t seem useful for adventures or farm work.

Angie got this sleeveless turtle neck and high waisted pants with an elaborate belt. Her pants ended a bit above her ankles and hugged her long beautiful legs. The turtle neck also showed off her luxurious chest. She slapped Leon for staring too long. She kissed him in apology after Leon got her a coat to drape over her shoulders. Angie also wore a purse, but it looked way more elaborate than the one I held. Smaller though, she was kind of let down when Leon said she probably shouldn’t take it to the dungeon. She even wore her hair down after Leon remarked that it would look really pretty on her. God she looked hot… Is… what… Leon probably thought.

Leon looked pretty cool too. He had three layers on his top, first a button down that he didn’t tuck in, then this thing called a hoodie, and finally a blazer over it. He had some new type of pants called jeans, and these elaborate looking shoes meant for running called sneakers. The last of which were something he actually came up with and sold to Mitsugoshi for them to develop. He offered to get some for us too whenever we need to train, so we got some use out of our bags after all. What’s unfair is that Leon got to get a more practical bag.

We also bought some underwear. Leon stayed outside even though we wanted his opinion on it. But when he blushed and said he wanted it as a surprise for later we both got all giggly and kissed him for a bit before leaving. I got this baby blue set while Angie got this super sexy scarlet set. Leon’s said before that he liked our corsets, but heard that the underwear from Mitsugoshi was more comfortable. It is, by a lot. Like a lot. I got so many pairs of bras. I love my chest, especially since Leon loves it too, but I needed the support. Angie and I plan on keeping one or two corsets for when we need to wear dresses though… or when Leon wants to see us in them.

We finished the day by getting some of the coffee. I got this cute foam version that the server had molded the form to look like a puppy. It actually took a little bit for me to work up the will to actually drink it. It helped that Luxion took some pictures for me. Angie got this thing called a cappuccino.

We held Leon’s arms and walked back to his ship happy. However, a thought occurred to Leon as the date ended.

“… I should probably introduce myself to Lord Redgrave.” Said Leon.

“Yes,” agreed Angie, “that would be for the best. Especially since we’re going to sleep in the same room from now on.”

I nodded in agreement but Leon took a few seconds to realize what Angie said.

Hehe, his surprised face was so cute! Especially after we told him that Luxion was helping us move into partner in his quarters while we were out, he nearly fainted!

Luckily it was already night, so we all just cuddled on his bed.

I fell asleep, holding Angie’s hand while I laid on Leon’s chest, his frantic heartbeats lull me to sleep.


“I apologize Lord Shadow, Lady Shade!” said Nu as she bowed before our thrones.

I feel a bit bad for her, but I do respect how much she’s putting into her performance. Like man her makeup’s running, that’s dedication to the role.

Hm… I wonder if I should try introducing waterproof make up? Like, running mascara is a really good way to show heightened emotions in the right moments but I imagine that some of the shades, like Epsilon would appreciate it.


Oh, Alpha’s hand is on mine.

I look back to Alpha and she looks to me for answers. I guess that since I’m the actual leader and founder when I’m here I should make the decisions. I was going to let Alpha handle it, but I do know more about the way cameras work and how to act like an mob.

At ease Nu.” I command. “This is not your fault. Not entirely.

“T-thank you Lord Shadow!” said Nu as she got up. Some of the other members in the room appeared to let go of breaths they had been holding. I guess they were worried they were going to see one of their coworkers fired for something unreasonable. I wouldn’t do that though, I’m an Eminence in Shadow, not a monster.

Alpha also shoots me a small smile as she turns and assumes command again. “Nu, you shall continue to act as you had. From what Sir Leon had told us, he is not going to move against you or Shadow Garden. If anything, it may be best to have you there as a potential point of contact between Leon’s growing faction and Shadow Garden.”

Oh, yeah, true. In our lore, Leon doesn’t know we’re Shadow Garden. I think I’ll keep it that way for a while, makes thing more interesting.

I zone out for a bit, thinking about the upcoming tournament and how to handle it since Alpha’s handling stuff with Nu’s actual mission. I do half listen to what they’re saying, it’d be rude not to listen when they’re doing it for me after all. Apparently, those slasher poser guys we saw the other day were mind-broken by brainwashing. They’re at a tear called 3rd Children in the Diabolos Cult. No idea what that means, but the papers I was passed and glanced at said something about orphans with magic and used. 2nd children are the ones who didn’t get mind-broken. 1st are like the 2nd but even stronger. This slasher thing was probably meant to antagonize us given how much of a threat we established ourselves us.

Eventually Nu leaves with the others, leaving me with Alpha and Gamma.

“Um, Lord Shadow?” asked Gamma, doing her best to not trip as she goes up the stairs to us.

“You can just refer to me as Shadow Gamma,” I said with a smile. Although I liked it when we were younger how the shades had showed respect and reverence through referring to me as their lord and savior, now it’s kinda not necessary. We have tons of other shadow garden members who can talk to me like that. “You could even use Cid when it’s just the Shades.”

Gamma smiles and immediately trips on the stairs. Alpha and I go and catch her before she can go down too far.

“Ah, um. Thank you, Lord Shad- I mean, Cid! Thank you so much!” said Gamma after I put her back on her feet.

“No prob.” I say, “Hey, is there a training facility here?”

Gamma nods, “Do you plan on training Lord- Cid? Ooh can I join you?”

Hm… I do plan on just being hit so I guess that’s fine.

I nod, “I do not mind. Alpha?”

“Hm? Do you wish for me to join as well?” asked Alpha.

“In a way. See I do not plan on training like normal. Rather I have a plan on how to prepare for Leon’s plan while also furthering our own goals.” I clarify. “We’ve been standing out a bit too much. If I’m right and Leon had gotten the both of us to be in the tournaments, then we need to do our best to fail spectacularly.”

“Oh?” said Alpha.

“I have several planned mob losses planned. I believe it may be a good idea for you to use a few too, given your interaction with our new sword instructor the other day. If she sees you lose spectacularly then any suspicions she may make would be quelled.” I state.

Alpha nods in understanding. We all go to the training area underneath Mitsugoshi and spend a few hours there. Alpha even came up with a few ways of spreading the fake blood, it was so fun! We also made sure to help Gamma with her sword training. The swish! Method does still have its limits.


“I see… so the slashers didn’t belong to shadow garden, they were just pretending to.” Said Iris.

Alexia, who is laying in bed still injured from the confrontation the other day looks to her sister, “That’s what Shadow and Lady Shade said.”

Iris sighs as she runs her hand through her hair, “Lord Shadow and Lady Shade huh… In the end we know nothing about them nor their opposition. I had thought Lady Shade was working alongside the Shadow Garden but this only confirms it. It’s worrying how powerful their faction is, given how Lady Shade dealt with that monster with one strike. What to do?”

“Shadow was fighting against the Diabolos Cult,” mentioned Alexia, “Perhaps they would have some clues?”

Iris pats her sister’s head, as though she is only entertaining her sister’s ideas but not believing them.

“Yes, They’re certainly not just a simple religious group. I will look into them,” Iris said as she got up. “Thankfully the crimson knights have as many as eight very capable members.”

“You mean only eight.” Sassed Alexia. She then gets up and asked, “Iris! Which one is the crimson knights’ enemy? Is it the Diabolos Cult or the Shadow Garden?”

Iris merely sighs and continues walking out.

Alexia leans forward and yells, “We cannot fight Shadow! You saw the explosion that painted the night sky violet! You saw the footage from Sir Barfort’s Lost Item!”

Iris turns back, “You and those other children are misremembering things due to injuries! We already agreed that it was the artifact going out of control! There is no human, sub or otherwise, capable of releasing such power! That ‘foo-taj’ cannot be accepted by the court as actual evidence when we know almost nothing about what the lost item is capable of!”

“Iris!” called out Alexia.

Iris takes out a plushie from her bag and tosses it Alexia, “Either way you must rest now. Let your wounds heal Alexia.”

“I don’t need this bear plushie though.” Alexia said as she hugs it.

“And as for your previous question…” said Iris, “About the crimson knight’s enemy… it’s both. Anyone who poses a threat to the world at large will not be allowed to roam free. No matter what goes down in the future! Now matter what conspiracy looms above our heads!!!”

“…As soon as Sir Barfort signs off on your check.” Sassed Alexia.

Iris mocks her sister by repeating the words in a high-pitched voice before leaving.

A/N: Hey! Mostly original chapter this time around. It’s about half the length of the previous, but I didn’t have as much to say this time around. Here’s a link to the outfits that the mobuseka main trio were wearing on their date. It’s from the artist’s twitter, but reposted on reddit for easier access.

Also, quick question. Would you guys be interested in me showing people prepare for the “God of War” tournament? Or would it being mentioned be fine? I’m not really sure which to go with this time around. I do want more moments with Leon’s faction but I’m unsure this time of which way to go.

Anyway, let me answer the comments. There was less this time around, guess there was less to comment on. Which is funny because I think Chapter 11 was my longest yet.

From QQ:

Bladist: Oh? Out of curiosity what are those problems? I’m guessing it’s that it takes forever for Leon to have romantic moments with his two main girls, and even then it’s kind of forced on him. Also thanks, I was worried them confessing at all was too OOC.

Alternativefuturefan27: Lmao yeah, Alexia kabedoning Iris had her blushing so she’s definitely an M. An Honest Soul has to be the best Mobuseka fic so far, so I couldn’t not make a small reference to it. So technically, Leon already knows that Shadow reincarnated, or at least suspects it. As for Cid? Well I feel like I should take my time with that.

Someone ani: Thanks! Yeah, I always thought that the money was only one issue. For as much as Cid loves it, he also thought it was lame of them to just copy the stuff he said.

From Fanfic:

Fangs of death: thanks!

Golden Nova: I answered a previous comment before, but Shadow’s thing is his high combat abilities. I won’t make Leon a complete push over, but Leon’s strengths are going to lie more in the political and relationship side of things in this fic. So yeah, it’s part of the plot. I think I made this comparison, but Leon’s like a lvl 80 character and Cid is the super secret final boss you unlock with new game plus in terms of strength.

BetweenIandGirl: So technically, yes. But if you see the last name I gave Sherry it’s also technically no.

Haseo55: I guess I can answer that next time. Unless you meant all of the shades and all of Leon’s girls. There’s a plan for that but it’ll take a bit.

Life's a Pay to Win Game - Chapter 12 - UnholyExcaliber (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.