Lethal Extended Beta changelog (2024)



  • Added

    • WeatherTweaksBeta (ADD)
    • LethalLevelLoaderFixedV50 (BUG)
    • HealthRegen (QOL)
  • Updated

    • ShipLootPlus
    • LethalCasino
    • TooManyItems
    • Mirage
    • SuitSaver
  • Removed

    • MissileTurrets



  • Added

    • Helldiver Suit
  • Updated

    • CullFactory
    • FairAI
    • InputUtils
    • LategameUpgrades
    • Locker
    • LethalExpansionCore (LEC -> LECP)
    • RollingGiant
    • StarlancerAIFix
    • TheGiantSpecimens
    • TooManyEmotes
    • PossessedMasks
    • TooManyItems
    • ReservedItemSlotCore
    • LethalExpansionCore
  • Removed

    • CSync
    • LethalLevelLoader



  • Completely prevented the interact lock up
  • Prevented items from disappearing on save reload and items falling through ship
  • Hopefully fixed map desyncs
  • Added New Scrap
  • Fixed some more performance issues
  • You can now toggle mute with M
  • New Enemies


  • Added

    • MonsterPlushies (ADD)
    • AutomaticInventoryFix (BUG)
    • InputUtils (QOL/DEP)
    • ToggleMute (QOL)
    • Kast (MOON)
    • LethalExpansionCore (ADD)
    • Desolation (MOON)
    • RatScrap (ADD)
    • EnumUtils (DEP)
    • TooManyItems (BUG)
    • DissonanceLagFix (PERF)
    • HarpGhost (ENEMY)
    • LethalLevelLoaderFixed (BUG)
    • MaskedEnemyOverhaulFork (BUG)


  • Rotated

    • Cosmetics (RandomCosmetics -> HexasCosmetics)
  • Updated

    • RandomCosmetics
    • ImmersiveVisor
    • ShipWindows
    • FacelessStalker
    • BepInExFasterLoadAssetBundlesPatcher
    • Emblem
    • LightsOut
    • AsyncLoggers
    • TheGiantSpecimens
    • LCOffice
    • TooManyEmotes
    • LethalLib
    • Mirage
    • ReservedSlotCore
    • ReservedFlashlightSlot
    • ReservedWalkieSlot
    • LategameUpgrades
    • SirenHead
    • Maritopia
    • Csync
    • Arachnophilia
    • LethalCasino
    • ModelReplacementAPI
    • HotbarPlus
    • TooManySuits
    • CullFactory
    • StarlancerAIFix
    • EmergencyDice
    • Locker
    • FairAI
    • LethalThings
    • Mimics
    • MoreCompany
    • Peepers
  • Removed

    • Harloth
    • PoolRooms
    • LethalLevelLoader
    • MaskedEnemyOverhaul
  • Configs

    • Increased Fiend Spawn Weight (5 -> 10)


  • Prevent items from falling below of the ship
  • Removed limits for how many scrap can be saved/synchronized


  • Enabled PostProcessing
  • Added TooManyItems patch



  • Apparatus light and Lamp light now turn off when on the ship (Commit ref: f90bfd6838)
  • Added a new Enemy called Locker (Commit ref: eed2eb093e)
  • Allowed more scrap to spawn once quota reaches 1k (Commit ref: fb90a4e061)
  • Fixed walkies not working (Commit ref: 8621b74117)
  • Added Windows and space scene to ship in orbit (Commit ref: 848e7feacd)
  • Visor now reacts to environment (Commit ref: 0bdd9b9e40)
  • Added forest giant variants (Commit ref: e18a87db8a)
  • Logo shows up on Main screen (Commit ref: cd99f9494f)
  • Keys can now lock doors (Commit ref: 4671af730d)
  • Improved overall performance (Commit ref: f78da7b234)
  • 3 New moons (Commit ref: 2e36848f74)
  • You can now carry 5 items (Commit ref: aa981f6401)
  • Turrets can now shoot missiles (Commit ref: aa981f6401)
  • LethalConfig is back (Commit ref: e06cd1bf42)
  • EmployeeAssignments are back! (Commit ref: 118912167a)


  • Logging is now moved to it's own thread
  • Lowered Shadow Quality (2048 -> 256)
  • Disabled Post Processing
  • Disabled Resolution fix
  • Startup times improved (1 Minute, 21 Seconds -> 29 Seconds)


  • Added

    • Locker (ENEMY)
    • LightsOut (PERF)
    • BetterDynamicScrapsAmount (QOL)
    • ShipWindows (FUN)
    • LethalSnap (FUN)
    • ImmersiveVisor (ADD)
    • EladsHud (QOL)
    • TerminalConflictFix (BUG)
    • GiantSpecimens (ENEMY)
    • AsyncLoggers (PERF)
    • Emblem (FUN)
    • KeysLockDoors (FUN)
    • HotbarPlus (QOL)
    • MissileTurret (ENEMY)
    • NutcrackerFixes (PERF)
    • EchoReach (MOON)
    • Harloth (MOON)
    • Maritopia (MOON)
    • SpaceShipDoor (FUN)
    • CSync (DEP)
    • BepInExFasterLoadAssetBundlesPatcher (PERF)
    • LethalConfig (QOL)
    • EmployeeAssignments (ADD)
    • EmployeeAssignmentsUpdaterFix (BUG)


  • Updated Mods

    • SirenHead
    • TooManyEmotes
    • HandheldMap
    • FacelessStalker
    • Arachnophilia
    • RandomCosmetics
    • LCOffice
    • LategameUpgrades
    • IntroTweaks
    • LethalLib
    • ShipLootPlus
    • FriendPatches
    • Mirage
    • PoolRooms
    • LethalThings
    • ReservedSlotCore
    • ReservedFlashlightSlot
    • ReservedWalkieSlot
  • Removed Mods

    • FrequencyWalkie
    • InfiniteShotgunReload
    • ShowAmmoCount
    • 71Gordion
    • CustomPostProcessingAPI (WHY IS THIS STILL HERE)
    • LethalExpansionCore
    • ImmersiveScrap
    • Druggie
    • Kast
    • SecretLabs
    • ScannableTools
    • SmartItemSaving
  • Configs

    • Lowered BaseRarity for PoolRooms (50 -> 20)
    • Halt will now be force spawned to a long hallway (Commit ref: 8c10550a97)
  • Lethal-Utility

    • Removes PoloroidPictures directory



  • Added Blackjack to Casino (Commit ref: dc634ad88e)
  • Fixed bugs related to Mirage (Commit ref: d09514052b)
  • Fixed issues with saves (Item rotation and positioning) (Commit ref: dc634ad88e)
  • Hopefully fixed desyncing with custom interiors (Commit ref: 02b327d8d9)
  • Removed LethalConfig until it starts working again (Commit ref: 2f3a0fc196)
  • Some emotes now have music/audio (Commit ref: b9b6f09bf7)
  • Removed ControlCompanyDetector because it was giving too much vanilla info (Commit ref: 58e9d5fed8)
  • Fixed issues regarding late players joining as unknown (Commit ref: 1d9ab4b351)


  • Added:

    • SmartItemSaving (QOL)
    • ScannableTools (QOL)
    • Halt (ENEMY) (From DOORS)
    • StarlancerAIFix (DEP)
    • 71Gordion (MOON)
    • FacelessStalker (ENEMY)
    • FriendPatches (BUG)
    • SirenHead (ENEMY)
  • Rotations:

    • Rotated Cosmetics
    • Rotated Music
    • Rotated Suits


  • Updated Mods

    • Arachnophilia
    • OpenBodyCams
    • ItemClippingFix
    • LCOffice
    • PoolRooms
    • HandHeldMap
    • LethalCasino
    • Mirage
    • Coroner
    • BuyableShotgun
    • BuyableShotgunShells
    • TooManyEmotes
  • Removed Mods

    • WeatherTweaks
    • PigeonsCosmetics
    • BensCosmetics
    • VooDoo
    • LethalConfig
    • InsomniaxCosmetics
    • NintendoHats
    • LCCutscene (How was this still here)
    • ControlCompanyDetector
  • Configs

    • Fixed timings for Mirage, should stop voice lines happening too often. (Commit ref: d09514052b)
    • Lowered PoolRooms chances, should fix it being selected too often. (Commit ref: 5a188ee892)
    • Fixed Nightvision goggles not toggling with N (Commit ref: 58649b042e)
    • Increased Credit Increment for additional players (Commit ref: 8914e21643)
    • Decreased distance for Bracken to jam Walkies (Commit ref: 0eda24664d)
    • Decreased Volumetric Fog Quality to 0 (Commit ref: c5d48f1125)



  • Added ControlCompanyDetector which gives you an in-game warning when a lobby host is using Control Company.
  • Added new enemies
  • Walkie-Talkies now have frequencies
  • Removed Skinwalker mod and replaced it with Mirage (Syncs audio clips across players)
  • Temporarily removed Backrooms until bugs are addressed


  • Added:

    • CoilHeadStare (ADD)
    • ControlCompanyDetector (QOL)
    • FrequencyWalkie (QOL)
    • CustomPostProcessingAPI (DEP)
    • LCCutscene (DEP)
    • Voodoo (ENEMY)
    • Mirage (HAZARD)
    • BarchLib (DEP)
    • NAudio (DEP)
    • UniTask (DEP)


  • Fixed the issue with Corporate Restructure causing the emote camera to appear outside the ship
  • Fixed freezing issues
  • Fixed installers copying files to desktop
  • Fixed NoiseSuppression causing bad mic audio


  • Updated Mods

    • LateGameUpgrades
    • PoolRooms
    • TooManyEmotes
    • LCOffice
    • OpenBodyCams
    • LethalCasino
    • Diversity
    • ShipLootPlus
    • WeatherTweaks
    • Arachnophilia
    • ImmersiveScraps
  • Removed:

    • CustomSounds
    • LCSoundTool
    • CarpetSounds
    • Skinwalkers
    • Removed Diversity
    • Removed Backrooms
    • Removed NoiseSuppression
  • Lethal-Utility

    • You can now select specific versions to install



  • Added:

    • PoolRooms (Interior)
    • VarietyMod (Interior)
    • TooManySuits (QOL)
    • Backrooms (Hazard)
    • Backrooms Carpet Sound (ADD)
    • LCSoundTool (DEP)
    • CustomSounds (DEP)
    • BensCosmetics (COS)


  • Fixed scrap disappearing after save reload


  • Updated Mods

    • WeatherTweaks
    • TooManyEmotes
    • TheFiend
    • LethalCasino
    • BetterLobbies
    • EmergencyDice
    • OpenBodyCams
    • RollingGiant
    • LCMaxSoundsFix
    • MysteryDice
    • PigeonsCosmetics
  • Updated Interiors

    • LCOffice
    • SCPFoundationDungeon
  • Removed:

    • BetterSaves
    • SaveStealer
    • PerformanceEnhancer


  • Shy Guy spawn chance raised (20 -> 30)

  • Sewer and Castle chance lowered (300 -> 150)

  • Masked Entities will now show fake usernames

  • Turrets no longer target the following monsters:

    • Shrimp
    • RollingGiant
    • SCP 096
    • TheFiend
  • Disabled all Turret, Mine, and Boomba interactions for Peepers to hopefully save some performance with AI logic

  • Reduced Peeper weight (10lbs -> 5lbs)

  • Increased Shrimp spawn weight

    • Rend = 10
    • Dine = 20
    • Titan = 30
    • Custom Moons = 30



  • Kast should now show up on DRP (Hopefully)

  • Updated Some mods (LCOffice, ShipLootPlus, IntroTweaks, MirrorDecor, EmergencyDice, MoreCompany, LethalLevelLoader, Mimics)

  • Removed FogRemover

  • Added ModelReplacementAPI

  • Removed 2 Interiors (Sewer and Dungeon)

  • Hopefully fixed an issue where footsteps and other sounds would disappear

  • Updated Mod Configs

  • Tweaked Shadow quality

  • Removed MinecraftScrap

  • Removed Lightsabers

  • Fix flashlights

  • Fixed Minimum deadline being 2 days instead of 3

  • Fixed Start credits not scaling how they used to

  • Removed Kyrial

  • Removed SpaceShipDoor

  • Removed ExplodingPresents

  • Removed Backrooms


  • New Monsters!

    • Peepers (ENEMY)
    • Fiend (ENEMY)
  • Reworked Spiders (ADD)

  • Added handheld map (QOL)

  • Better After game performance results (QOL)

  • Master Chief Suit (FUN)

  • New Bodycams! (QOL)

  • New Weather System (ADD)

  • Noise suppression! (BUGFIX)

  • Bracken will now jam Walkies when within a certain range (HAZARD)

  • Overhauled saves and allowed for copying saves when not the host (QOL)

  • New Cosmetics (FUN)

  • You can now infinity reload the shotgun and see it's capacity (QOL)

  • All new Gambling located at the company building! (FUN)

  • SCP Moon (MOON)


  • Removed CullFactory



  • Updated TooManyEmotes

  • Updated ReservedCore Mods

  • Updated Buyable Shotgun & Shells

  • Updated ImmersiveScraps

  • Removed Bodycams

  • Added LethalLevelLoader

  • Added LethalNetworkAPI

  • Added OdinSerializer

  • Updated ExplosivePresents (New Dev)

  • Updated FairAI

  • Updated LethalLib

  • Updated ShipLootPlus

  • Updated PathFindingLagFix

  • Updated ReservedCore

  • Added CullFactory

  • Added FogRemover

  • Added HDLethalCompany

  • Updated LateCompany

  • Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul


  • Added Lobby Codes (QOL)

  • Added New Monsters!

    • SCP 096 (ENEMY)
    • Shrimp (ENEMY)
  • Added new Dungeons (INTERIOR)

  • RollingGiant can now spawn on all moons (BUGFIX)

  • Added Emergency Dice (HAZARD)

  • Added Possessed Masks (HAZARD)

  • Skip the launch options! (QOL)



  • Updated Gambling

  • Replaced ShipLoot with ShipLootPlus

  • Updated FairAI

  • Updated MoreCompany

  • ScalingCredits swapped to new dev

  • Lowered Gambling Machine count (3 -> 2)


  • Added Lightsaber Weapons

  • New Monster! (Rolling Giant)

  • New Custom Moon! (Kyrial)

  • Added PerformanceEnhancer

  • New Scrap!



  • Lowered amount of custom moons

  • Removed Crosshair

  • Re-Added TooManyEmotes

  • Updated LethalLib

  • Updated NintendoHats

  • Updated LategameUpgrades

  • Added PathfindingLagFix

  • Removed MaskedAIRevamp

  • Removed LethalNetworkAPI

  • Removed Acidir, Infernis (Moons)

  • Updated MaskedEnemyRework

  • Changed Plugin folder structure

  • Removed CoilHeadStare

  • Removed Landminefix (no longer needed)

  • Removed NuclearLib

  • Removed CompatibilityChecker (Deprecated)

  • Updated LethalExpansion


  • Fixed FPS Issues (Hopefully)

  • Re-did plugins folder

  • Hopefully fixed an issue starting/joining multiplayer sessions



  • Re-added ReservedCore Mods

  • Updated TooManyEmotes

  • Updated LethalNetworkAPI

  • Updated MoreEmotes

  • Updated BuyableShotgunShells & BuyableShotgun

  • Updated LethalLib

  • Updated Skinwalkers

  • Updated Gambling

  • Updated LethalExpansion

  • Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul

  • Rotated 2 moons (Ducky, TheEnd) -> (Infernis, Acidir)

  • Re-added LethalThings

  • Updated InsomniaxCosmetics

  • Replaced Fly -> Paranoid (Music)

  • Added Music Pack Scripts

  • Added ObjectVolumeController

  • Updated Nintendo Hats

  • Updated MinecraftScraps

  • Updated LateGameUpgrades

  • Removed TreysHealthText

  • Removed TooManyEmotes (Temporary)

  • Removed misc mods (SpringManWeightFix, Symbiosis, Neofetch, ModManager, ExtraDaysToDeadline, EmployeeAssignments, YippeeScrap)

  • Updated YieldDmgTweak


  • 2 New Moons (Infernis, Acidir)

  • 11 New Cosmetics

  • Added ObjectVolumeController (Allows adjusting the volume on media objects)

  • Original Metal Recharging is back!



  • Updated Diversity

  • Updated Gambling

  • Removed TermSpeak

  • Remove UnlimitedPaint

  • Remove MoreHead (Forgot to delete this)

  • Update LethalExpansion

  • Update MoreEmotes

  • Added RuntimeNetcodePatcher

  • Updated MinecraftScrap

  • Updated MinecraftMoon

  • Removed PossessedMask (Hopefully fixes issue with being bugged out by masks)

  • Update Starlancer

  • Removed Installer Script from files

  • Removed LethalThings (Temporary)

  • Updated LethalLib


  • Re-added GroanTubeScrap

  • Re-added MoreEmotes (New Emotes)



  • Fixed all emotes not showing up

  • Updated TooManyEmotes

  • Players can no longer gain conditions (Blindness, Broken leg/arm, ect)

  • Brackens anger time reduced from 90s -> 60s

  • Remove LethalLanFix (Fixes multiple hosting/joining issues)

  • Updated SpaceShipDoor

  • Remove GroanTubeScrap (No evidence it's been working)

  • Rotated Music

  • Moon Rotation (Nintendo Castle, Taiga, Secret Labs) -> (Minecraft End, Starlancer, Atlas Abyss)

  • Added ShipLobby

  • Updated Skinwalkers

  • Replace LandminesForAll with FairAI

  • Updated ExtraDaysToDeadline

  • Added LethalConfig

  • Updated LethalEscape

  • Added MaskedAIRevamp (Unstable, may cause bugs)

  • Updated MaskedEnemyRework

  • Added LCMaskedFix (Fixes mimic / masked bug where you can't look around after the kill is interrupted)

  • Updated LethalExpansion

  • Updated GamblingMachine

  • Updated CorporateRestructure

  • Updated LethalAPITerminal

  • Updated Mimics

  • Updated MoreCompany

  • Updated Neofetch

  • Updated Diversity

  • Added ItemClippingFix

  • Removed MoreEmotes


  • Some Monsters can now trigger turrets and landmines

  • Added Crosshair

  • Added Mirror Decor

  • Masked Players can now use Shotguns and Shovels/Signs

  • Masked Players can now call fake dropships

  • Masked Players can now steal scrap and hide it

  • Moon Rotation

  • Music Rotation



  • Update SCPSecretLabs Moon

  • Update LandMineFix

  • Remove MaskTheDead (Shouldn't have been there)

  • Update Mimics

  • Increased Smiler count to 3

  • Masks will no longer force you to drop 2 handed items

  • Baboon Hawk can no longer mimic players

  • Spiders can now mimic players

  • The Coilhead can now escape

  • Jetpacks are no longer dropped upon teleport

  • Items no longer lose charge when being teleported


  • Masked Enemies can now emote

  • Added YipeeScrap

  • Add ModManager

  • Re-added TooManyEmotes (PLEASE WORK)



  • Update MaskedEnemyOverhaul

  • Removed DimmingFlashLights

  • Re-add Diversity

  • Removed ReservedCore Mods (Fixes Desync and other bugs)

  • Added NintendoHatCosmetics

  • Added SpaceShipDoor

  • Added ExtraDaysToDeadline

  • Updated GamblingMachine (Fixes spam gambling)


  • The Bracken will flicker and turn off all nearby lights and will dim player's flashlights if they're close to the him.

  • Trying to forcibly turn back on the lights with the breaker box could cause the Bracken to be angered for a while and shut off all power permanently.

  • You can now open the spaceship door when in space! (It won't kill you)

  • You can now use credits to purchase an extra day for your deadline


  • Overhaul Scripts again

  • Remove HexiBetterShotgun

  • Update ReservedCoreMods (SprayPaint, WeaponSlot)

  • Update Kast Moon

  • Updated LethalExpansion

  • Updated ChristmasVillage (Now Seperate Mod)

  • Update SCPSecretLabs Moon

  • Update NoSellLimit

  • Remove ReservedFlashlightSlot (Fixes Desync issues)

  • Update ReservedCore


  • Removed FrostyCosmetics

  • Removed HexasCosmetics

  • Updated InsomniaxCosmetics

  • Hopefully fixed an issue with people unable to see cosmetics

  • Updated ReservedCoreMods

  • Update Symbiosis and NuclearLib (Fixed the vanilla bug that hoarding bugs do not drop items upon death.)

  • Update Beta-Installer

  • Update SCPSecretLabs Moon

  • Add Creator Music Pack

  • Remove IndieGameScrap (Fixes Scroll/Interact bug when picking up items)

  • Remove LateCompany (Fixes various Desync issues)

  • Updated Solo's Bodycams

  • Added PermanentLadder


  • Added LandminesForAll (Monsters now trigger Landmines)

  • Removed TooManyEmotes (Probably for awhile)

  • Beta-Branch Install Scripts

  • GroanTubeScrap

  • SCP SecretLabs Moon!

  • Updated LethalExpansion

  • Updating GamblingMachine

  • Added LategameUpgrades

  • Updated ReservedSlot Mods

  • Added IndieGameScrap

  • Drop Exploding Presents chance from 20% -> 10%

  • The following monsters no longer mimic player voices: "Jester, Thumper, Ghost Girl, Eyeless Dog"


  • Updated DiscountAlert

  • Fix normal install script

  • Updated ReservedSlotCore

  • Added more scrap

  • Added ShowCapacity (Displays remaining capacity of paint spray and TZP)

  • No longer requires 3 scrap in inventory to drop a mask

  • Remove MoreEmotes and add TooManyEmotes Back

  • Add 2 new suits (Rotated out Glow suit and Spacepajama)

  • Fixed LethalExtended Logo on LE Suit

  • Rotate Songs


  • NutCrackers can now Escape

  • Updated ReservedCore Mods (Flashlight, Walkie, Spraypaint)

  • Update MinecraftLoot

  • Removed TooManyEmotes (It was causing TOOManyProblems) get it?


  • Updated Backrooms

  • Updated Latecompany

  • Updated LethalExpansion

  • Added 3 new maps (Castle Grounds, Christmas Village, Taiga)

  • Updated TooManyEmotes

  • Removed SCPDunGen

  • Changed Emotes Keybind to C

  • Time now shows in the ship

  • Adding Gambling Machine at the company (For that last ditch attempt to make quota)

  • Installing or updating will now copy the auto update script to your desktop so you don't have to hunt for it!


  • Updated Backrooms

  • Updated CorporateRestructure

  • Updated ReservedSprayPaintSlot

  • Added ReservedWeaponSlot

  • Updated SCPDunGen

  • Updated TooManyEmotes

  • Updated Kast

  • Updated ReservedItemCore

  • Added MinecraftScraps


  • Removed CheaperFuelCompany

  • Added FreeMoons

  • Added LethalExpansion

  • Added Custom Moons (DuckMoons, OldSeaPort, and Kast)

  • Updated ReservedItemSlotCore

  • Added ReservedSprayPaintSlot

  • Updated NuclearLib

  • Fixed Update Scripts and re-added Install Script


  • Update TooManyEmotes

  • Update HexiBetterShotgun

  • Update SCPDunGen

  • Add MaskTheDead

  • Remove install.bat (Deprecated. Keeping install-other.bat for my testing)


  • Added an auto-update Script

  • Update Backrooms

  • Update DiscountAlert

  • Add Corporate Restructure

  • Remove Diversity (Fixes the dungeons being pitch black)

  • Remove MoonOfTheDay (Fixes seeds not randomizing)

  • Add SuitSaver

  • Add CorporateRestructure


  • Updated TooManyEmotes (Fixes an issue with favorite emotes not saving)

  • Updated Diversity (Fixes multiple issues, mainly audio bugs)


  • Updated Neofetch

  • Updated LethalEscape (Fixes lag issues)

  • Updated DiscountAlert

  • Updated Symbiosis (Hoarding Bugs disperse after nest return allowing space for others, spawns flies on player corpses after ~1 minute)

  • Updated LethalThings (Glizzy is no longer called "Training Manual")

  • Updated ReservedItemSlotCore (Fixes compat with LethalThings)

  • Updated TooManyEmotes (Fixes player shadow render, Added Emotes Loadout)

  • Added BuyableShotGun (and shells)

  • Added HexiBetterShotgun (Shotguns will now fire 10 pellets rather than either a single hitscan)


  • Remove MetalRecharging because of Conflict with Lethal-Things

  • Remove Leftover files from previous mods

  • Remove ShipClock (It was broken)

  • Some monsters now have a chance to escape the facility and chase you! (Braken, Jester, Spider)

  • Added More Cosmetics

  • Added NoSellLimit! There is no longer a limit to how many items you can sell at a time when at the company building


  • Fixed Backrooms config to lower chances of being yanked into the backrooms

  • Added LethalLanFix to allow for direct IP connections

  • Added Discount Alerts

  • Added Diversity, which revamps a lot of monsters

  • Updated ExplodingPresents

  • Removed IntroTweaks

  • Added FrostyCosmetics

  • Removed More Emotes in order to fix an issue where players hands would disappear

  • Fixed Spawn weight for Coil Heads

  • Added YieldDmgTweak which makes Yield signs do more damage

  • You can now help your friends out whenever a centipede is latched onto their head by spamming the use button if you don't have a shovel.


  • Updated Late Company

  • Teleporters no longer make you drop tools (only scrap)

  • Fixed an issue where mask possession happened WAY too often

  • Update Slime Taming

  • Boomboxes will now autoplay to the next song instead of looping

  • Boomboxes no longer have battery life

  • You can now clip into the backrooms (have fun with that)

  • Added LethalThings! Adds 9 scrap, 6 store items, 1 enemy, 4 decor, 1 map hazard, and 1 game mechanic (ROCKET LAUNCHERRRRRRRRR)

  • SCP Foundation is now a dungeon chance for Rend, Dine, and Titan


  • Update TooManyEmotes

  • Add more player Cosmetics

  • Deadlines now scale properly, you are granted more days as the quota grows

  • Fixed an issue with the flashlight not working with LMB when not in reserved slot

  • Health now displays in numbers

  • Added 2 new songs (Locked out of Heaven and Boys a liar)

  • Masks will now actively try and possess you by trying to switch your active hand to the mask


  • Re-added Employee Assignments

  • Reworked Masked Enemies (Masks no longer show)

  • HOPEFULLY fixed an issue where items became invisible for other players when dropped

  • Re-Added old emotes along with the new ones

  • Rotated Suits (added some custom ones too)

  • Fixed sprinting on ladders


  • Added new emotes along with a new emote system! Keybind: ~

  • Added Coil Head Stare!

  • Flashlights now dim as their batteries die

  • Presents now have a 5% chance to explode when opened

  • Items now cycle properly when dropped

  • You can now charge metal!

  • There is now a compatibility checker to see what mods you are missing when joining a lobby

  • Removed Death Voting because it was breaking stuff

  • Fixed the install scripts to automatically remove all mods and re-install


  • Updated MoreEmotes

  • Updated LateCompany

  • Updated DeathVoting

  • Updated BepInExUtils

  • The Griddy no longer requires empty hands

  • Removed Life is a highway

  • Mimics are far less common by default and no longer have a randomly chosen imperfection

  • Added more songs (Duct Tape, Take the wheel, Pure Ecstasy, Yeat x Playboi Carti - VVV)


  • Update Mimics

  • Update ScalingStartCredits

  • Updated SkinWalker

  • Players can no longer join your game until after the ship has gone into orbit

  • Added Unlimited Paint


  • Removed some duplicated files

  • Added Disable Speaker Intro

  • Cheaper fuel, no longer need to pay to travel to Dine, Rend, and Titan (Terminal still shows a price)

  • Added DK64 song to Jukebox

  • Fixed skinwalkers barely talking

  • Increase range to push

  • Decrease push strength

  • Increase scaling credits to 25/player

  • Decrease player requirement for scaling from 4 -> 2


  • Remove Pinger

  • Remove Assignments

  • Remove LC_API


  • Fixed Voicelines being to common

  • Finished the install script for people who's games aren't on their C:\ Drive


  • Full Update 45 Support

  • Enemies no longer play voice lines when dead

  • Removed some unnecessary logs

  • Added Masked and Nutcracker to the config

  • Fixed an issue where audio would randomly play outside

  • Slightly reduced mimic spawn rate

  • New imperfections for telling mimics apart from the real deal

  • Modified Discord RPC


  • Semi Update 45 Support

  • Hoarding Bugs are now capable of pulling the pin from Stun Grenades

  • Extension Ladders will now drop when utilized by Hoarding Bugs

  • Hoarding Bugs are now able to stop using items

  • Clapping animation now makes noise (and monsters can hear it)


  • Add Custom Boombox Songs (Jellyfish Jam, Ain't no mountain high enough, Life is a highway, Party in the USA)

  • New Death voting system (Now requires at least 2 people to vote to leave early)

  • Credits are now scaled properly with more than 4 players

  • Right click scanning now shows the dollar amount of scrap currently on the ship

  • Mod Installation Script (Only for users who install their game to their host drive)


  • Added Pushing

  • Added Clock in Ship

  • Added Fixed Slime Taming, they will no longer deal damage when the Boombox is playing

  • Added Intro Tweaks. Now skips launch options (Because who uses lan?)`


  • Initial Upload
Lethal Extended Beta changelog (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

Last Updated:

Views: 5870

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.